Top 10 Navigation app in the UK!

Find Pubs & Bars

Find Pubs and Bars iPhone icon Find a nearby pub or bar, wherever you are in the world!

Search for pubs & bars around your current location, or look for a venue in another area via a simple place name or postcode search. Pick the place you'd like to go to and call up a route map directly to it from your current location. Distances can be displayed in metric or imperial units (configured in the application preferences).

We've got tens of thousands of pubs (and many more bars) all over the world in this app, but if we don't have your local yet then why not tell us about it? We'll share your recommendation with other users worldwide so you might even introduce some new friends to your local! To add a venue, simply stand in front of it with your iPhone and enter the name of the place. If you know it, you can add the pub chain/operator and the opening hours in too, but it's not required. We'll then check your submission and feed the update back into our database to help all future users. We'll also also add it to OpenStreetMap at the same time!

Find Pubs & Bars uses the built in GPS on the iPhone to get your current location, but can also locate an iPod Touch in built-up WiFi areas. If your location cannot be determined automatically then you can always enter your town or post code to get started. Please note that an internet connection is required to get location and map data. Location data is provided by OpenStreetMap and all edits are submitted back to this project too.


Application Screenshots

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